Friday, January 20, 2012

San Diego performers in the FEB 29 show!!

Lady Borgia, Venatrix Vae, Ryder Moore, Nina Bel Vande and Percy Please!
click "Read More" for pictures

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Seattle Performers coming to San Diego!!

SpeedBump is a vision for the future of burlesque, setting up collaborations with local boundary-smashing performers in various cities across the Western half of the U.S. to showcase the innovative and explorative facets of the genre.

Irreverent, political, genre-blending and gender-bending—the unique talents of these fabulous four converge to highlight the most thrilling aspects of the neo-burlesque movement. Drag, Dance, Performance Art, and Anthropology come together in an edgy spectacle fusing the ecdysiastic and academic with grace and charm (and a healthy dose of skin).


Click "Read More" below!!